Thursday, April 14, 2011

Why do I want dreadlocks?

Egads, what on earth am I doing this for?  Why do I want dreadlocks?  It's an important question, part of the whole mental-preparation process.  This video is definitely worth ten minutes of your time if you want to dread your hair.  I'll clue you in below if it's not worth spending ten minutes.

As Jonny Clean explains, knowing why I want dreadlocks is going to make it easier, because the reason will give me the commitment and the will to get through the hard parts.  For the first six months that's going to include:

  • The long day of initial locking
  • Daily palm-rolling of locks and checking for loose hairs
  • Weekly waxing
  • Regular washing, every two or three days for most of the process
My reason, and my commitment, will also carry me through as I learn to explain my hair, answer questions which I'm sure will get tiresome ("You wash your hair?" "Yes, I just can't use the chemical crap on most stores shelves because the residues will cause rot and mildew."), and potentially deal with bias or discrimination based on my appearance.

Writing a book about it isn't going to cut it - that's too circular.  For me, like many people, this is going to be a spiritual journey.  Where it starts will be with a desire to learn more patience, which is one of the reasons I admire trees and other plants as much as I do.  Trees can only adapt to the world by using one tool:  slow, methodical growth.  In comparison, blooming flowers and ripening vegetables in the garden seem swift, but gardens themselves are best improved year over year in the long haul.

Where the journey will take me after that is unknown - and that's part of the fun.  I like being surprised.

It looks like this will be happening in about a week or so, although the full cast and crew hasn't been lined up yet.

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